Archive for the ‘ CalTrans ’ Category

FDF launches its Copper Wire Theft Prevention range.

Copper wire thieves beware, this week FDF of California has launched its Copper Wire Theft Prevention range. The core products in the range will ensure the security of underground cables, cables in freeway soffits and street lighting poles.

Comprised of three main products, the FDF Copper Wire Theft Prevention range (Vimeo channel) can be used alongside more conventional anti-theft methods such as laser etched wire and video surveillance. They do however, have a different focus – the FDF range is designed to prevent the copper wire being removed from the attack site. Where as video surveillance may deter a casual thief, a determined thief will still pull up their hood and carry on. The damage is still done, resulting in expensive repairs and insurance claims. There are videos all over YouTube to prove it.

The FDF Copper Wire Theft Prevention range is built on the premiss of prevention. Casual or determined thieves cannot physically breach the security without resorting to jack hammers, cutting torches or explosives.

This means that copper wires do not need to be replaced after an attack, important services remain working and remote public areas like parking lots remain well lit and safe.

Similarly, with FDF’s B5 and 9A security covers being rolled out along California’s highways, CalTrans is looking forward to increased safety and reduced repair costs in theft hot spots.

FDF is calling for all states to focus on preventing copper wire theft rather than catching thieves after the fact. “Our door is always open to discuss the individual needs of highways agencies or utilities suppliers……We have a team of people who are passionate about stopping copper wire theft” says FDF CEO Jim Steed.

Jim Steed: 0800 942 4844

FDF website:

The 9A – The ultimate in highway soffit safety

The number of accidents attributed to downed lighting poles on highways is difficult to accurately access, but one thing is clear – it’s on the rise.

Highways agencies such as CalTrans face a daily fight against wire theft and vandalism, which leaves whole stretches of outlying highways without safety lighting.

FDF is a market leader in the design and production of hardware, which prevents against copper wire theft. Back to work after the New Year, FDF was out on the highway again overseeing the installation of a 9A security lid.

The P9 is specifically designed to fit into side wall soffits. The unique design of the spring-loaded locking plate makes it impossible to reach the copper wire and conduits behind. In addition, the tools for fitting the 9A are custom made and proprietary to each highways agency, meaning that unless you work for CalTrans you won’t have the tool to remove the CalTrans security cover.

Retro-fitting the 9A takes between 30 and 40 minutes, but once fitted it will never need maintenance. Sammy Vargas demonstrated the installation of the 9A to a team of CalTrans employees.

Even though this soffit was damaged the installation was a complete success. Removing the lid is simple and takes just a couple of minutes – if you have the right tools!


“The important thing is, you can’t get these tools anywhere else” Say’s FDF CEO Jim Steed. “You won’t find them in Home Depot. So if you drive up to a 9A protected soffit with an adjustable wrench and some wire cutters, you’ll look pretty stupid”.

There is no doubt that using the range of FDF security products will reduce copper wire theft in SoCal. Talks are now in progress with other states about customizing the security lids to conform with their own particular specifications.


For more information contact:

Jim Steed at FDF

[T] 800 942 4844