Posts Tagged ‘ builders ’

Tammi Makes Tools Cool.

Tammi’s Tool Shed

It’s difficult talk about the latest FDF news without mentioning Tammi’s Tool Shed. After only two appearances Tammi Summers has captured a lot of attention.

In the second on her mini web series Tammi took a long hard look at screws, namely ZIP screws and TEK screws. We could tell you all about them but it’s better to watch Tammi’s video on screws. She is a much better teacher and easier on the eye.

FDF is already talking to Tammi about special trial of  The Steed Digger, which is described as a revolutionary and ground-breaking tool – Pardon the pun!

Contact FDF directly and find out more about The Steed Digger and the FDF Newsletter.

Tammi Summers brings sexy to the ‘Tool Shed’

Tammi Summers and her BFF ‘Walt’

Shooting has wrapped on the first 5 episodes of the new web-series Tammi’s Tool Shed, produced by FDF and Guvnor Media.

Ultimately practical and undoubtedly sexy, Tammi Summers has already been described as “Anne Hathaway with a cordless drill”  The series producers at Guvnor Media are keeping the exact details of the episodes close to their chest, but one thing is certain,Tammi Summers will turn some heads when she appears on her own YouTube Channel next week (May 7th).

“I’ve always liked building things…I even built my shelves when I went to college.” Tammi enjoyed working on set and said “This is the best job, and FDF promised me a lifetime supply of free power tools, they really know the way to this girls heart.”

Brains, beauty and her own 18V cordless drill, what more could you want from a woman? Tammi will be releasing a video every week after the 7th of May, so we’ll be seeing a lot more of her in the future.

The FDF Team