Posts Tagged ‘ FDF ’

Tammi Makes Tools Cool.

Tammi’s Tool Shed

It’s difficult talk about the latest FDF news without mentioning Tammi’s Tool Shed. After only two appearances Tammi Summers has captured a lot of attention.

In the second on her mini web series Tammi took a long hard look at screws, namely ZIP screws and TEK screws. We could tell you all about them but it’s better to watch Tammi’s video on screws. She is a much better teacher and easier on the eye.

FDF is already talking to Tammi about special trial of  The Steed Digger, which is described as a revolutionary and ground-breaking tool – Pardon the pun!

Contact FDF directly and find out more about The Steed Digger and the FDF Newsletter.

Tammi’s Tool Shed is open.

Today, the doors of Tammi’s Tool Shed opened to the public. The sexy host of the web series, Tammi Summers. shows us for the first time why she has been described as a subtle blend of Paula Deene and Mae West.

The two minute episode speeds by, as Tammi shows us some useful featured products and introduces us to her little friend ‘Walt’.

If you have any products you’d like to see on the web series please drop Tammi an email at:


Tammi Summers brings sexy to the ‘Tool Shed’

Tammi Summers and her BFF ‘Walt’

Shooting has wrapped on the first 5 episodes of the new web-series Tammi’s Tool Shed, produced by FDF and Guvnor Media.

Ultimately practical and undoubtedly sexy, Tammi Summers has already been described as “Anne Hathaway with a cordless drill”  The series producers at Guvnor Media are keeping the exact details of the episodes close to their chest, but one thing is certain,Tammi Summers will turn some heads when she appears on her own YouTube Channel next week (May 7th).

“I’ve always liked building things…I even built my shelves when I went to college.” Tammi enjoyed working on set and said “This is the best job, and FDF promised me a lifetime supply of free power tools, they really know the way to this girls heart.”

Brains, beauty and her own 18V cordless drill, what more could you want from a woman? Tammi will be releasing a video every week after the 7th of May, so we’ll be seeing a lot more of her in the future.

The FDF Team

FDF launches its Copper Wire Theft Prevention range.

Copper wire thieves beware, this week FDF of California has launched its Copper Wire Theft Prevention range. The core products in the range will ensure the security of underground cables, cables in freeway soffits and street lighting poles.

Comprised of three main products, the FDF Copper Wire Theft Prevention range (Vimeo channel) can be used alongside more conventional anti-theft methods such as laser etched wire and video surveillance. They do however, have a different focus – the FDF range is designed to prevent the copper wire being removed from the attack site. Where as video surveillance may deter a casual thief, a determined thief will still pull up their hood and carry on. The damage is still done, resulting in expensive repairs and insurance claims. There are videos all over YouTube to prove it.

The FDF Copper Wire Theft Prevention range is built on the premiss of prevention. Casual or determined thieves cannot physically breach the security without resorting to jack hammers, cutting torches or explosives.

This means that copper wires do not need to be replaced after an attack, important services remain working and remote public areas like parking lots remain well lit and safe.

Similarly, with FDF’s B5 and 9A security covers being rolled out along California’s highways, CalTrans is looking forward to increased safety and reduced repair costs in theft hot spots.

FDF is calling for all states to focus on preventing copper wire theft rather than catching thieves after the fact. “Our door is always open to discuss the individual needs of highways agencies or utilities suppliers……We have a team of people who are passionate about stopping copper wire theft” says FDF CEO Jim Steed.

Jim Steed: 0800 942 4844

FDF website:

Anti Copper Wire Theft by FDF

Press Release

Copper Wire Theft – Light at the end of the tunnel!

Californian Company creates a solution to copper wire theft on America’s highways.

The price of copper is once again on the rise, which means the trade of illegal copper is also on the increase. But for the average American the question is: “What does that have to do with me?”  In a word – safety.

Increased copper wire theft means: the brightly lit stretch of highway you use to get home every day will suddenly go dark.  On these blacked out areas of the highway the risk of auto accidents is almost doubled.

But there is a bright side to this scenario. Transportation agencies like CalTrans are now using a range of Anti Wire Theft devices designed to eliminate copper wire theft, save many lives and millions of wasted taxpayer dollars. Each incident of copper theft (worth on average $100 in illegal scrap) will cost in excess of $10,000 to repair.

FDF’s complete range of security lids enable highway agencies to securely lock inspection points along street s and highways, preventing intrusion by copper wire thieves. “The aim is to make stealing copper wire so difficult and time-consuming that thieves will just move on,” says FDF CEO Jim Steed.

CalTrans has already started retro-fitting the FDF security lids to sites all over Los Angeles and the rest of California – preventing the lights going out, saving lives and saving California millions of dollars.

For more details about FDF’s safety products contact:

Jim Steed


Tel:  323 668 7551